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Quote:Originally posted by Omni

It was more of myself holding myself to my standards. Thank you very much, Mr. Meanie McGrue.

Hey, don't blame me for the world's indifference!

Trust me, I'm much nicer than reality.

Posted on 2005-03-10 18:49:50


Tomt... I don't think whining is going to make grue like you any more. Judging from my interaction with him, he seems to be a really nice guy, so you must have done something significant to piss him off. And as a friendly piece of advice: Your whining is only damaging you all the more. It would've been beneficial to keep your problem with him private.

Posted on 2005-03-10 19:05:13 (last edited on 2005-03-10 20:04:25)


A wise man once said, Blogs are, and result in, nothing but trendy angst and melodrama.

I have spoken.

Posted on 2005-03-11 09:20:14


Justice is but a concept.
Justice does not take on any form in reality.
But neither does love, and we know that exists. So what prevents justice from existing too?

On the other hand, has anyone here had bubble tea? It's black tea with milk/cream and sugar, along with boiled tapioca bubbles, and it is quite refreshing and delicious.

Posted on 2005-03-11 11:03:12


Any idea, even though not physical, is a real thing and can affect actions and motivations.

Posted on 2005-03-11 13:13:49


Quote:Originally posted by CrazyAznGamer

On the other hand, has anyone here had bubble tea? It's black tea with milk/cream and sugar, along with boiled tapioca bubbles, and it is quite refreshing and delicious.

Yes! actually, I just had some recently at a Thai restaurant. I actually started shooting the bubble/balls (I think they're the same thing as what you're talking about) out of my straw, and I was asked to leave.

Posted on 2005-03-11 13:18:02


Tapioca 'bubbles?'

Posted on 2005-03-11 13:42:29


I assure you that Mojitos are better.

Posted on 2005-03-11 13:56:25


Well, yes, any drink with alcohol is inherently > any drink without alcohol. But, on the other hand, occasionally it is nice to drink something you can have more than ten of in two hours without vomiting out your lower intestines in a public restroom while small children laugh and mock you.

Edit: updated the number of drinks

Posted on 2005-03-11 17:09:24 (last edited on 2005-03-11 17:10:17)


Quote:Originally posted by CrazyAznGamer

Justice is but a concept.
Justice does not take on any form in reality.
But neither does love, and we know that exists. So what prevents justice from existing too?.

Were you listening? Justice does exist. By it's very inception as a concept it has to have a basis in reality - no matter how vague - in order for the human mind to think it up. As an example, someone thought up flying pigs: they don't exists but pigs do and so does flying, therefore making the whole idea imaginable.

And no, can't say I've ever had bubble tea. Sounds good. Every tried Lapsang Souchong? It's bloody awful: like drinking water infused with a large, burning fence post coated in creasote.

Posted on 2005-03-11 17:56:09


Justice does exist?

That's a rather bold statement, Int. I'll need proof, preferably in the form of a government-issued driver ID.

Posted on 2005-03-13 16:42:09


'Justice doth indeed existeth in thy world,' thus saith Google.

Posted on 2005-03-13 21:51:59 (last edited on 2005-03-13 21:53:12)


The answer to the question is...

Yes, justice exists in this world. Justice exists as long as men respect just law, and as long just two men respect just law, some justice exists. Chicks, too.

Posted on 2005-03-14 01:07:37


Justice only exists in the same way that beauty does. Justice isn't an objective thing that is out there; it doesn't exist at all until someone observes a situation and declares that it is 'just'. Without this observation, justice is nothing at all; no situation is intrinsically just or unjust.

Whether this means it actually exists or not is, I think, is something that could be the topic of further discussion. A lot of debatable, subjective things exist in this way (such as right and wrong, beauty, etiquette, and so on).

Personally, I would classify these as not 'existing', because they are constructs of understanding, not actual things. This doesn't make them any less important, necessarily, to various people, but I don't think that they're 'real' in a normal sense of the word. As loretian kindly pointed out in another thread, lots of people believing in something doesn't make it exist.

Posted on 2005-03-14 05:38:25


It's different.

Like, for example, just cause a lot of people believe in Global Warming, it doesn't make it true.

However, Global Warming is a scientifically provable (or dispprovable or not or whatever-the-fuck-it-is) process...

Justice is just an idea, and two men believing in justice, makes it exist... because that's the justice! Men following laws they disagree with, that makes justice exists! Whether it's perfect or not isn't the question, justice, when implemented by man, is fallable in the same way we are. But that's not the point, the point is that as long as men adhere and try to achieve justice, it's there, because that's all justice is. Men trying to be just!

Posted on 2005-03-14 12:31:43


Justice stems from our sense of right and wrong.

As humans we tend to have a built in sense of right or wrong regardless of what culture we exist in. For instance: No culture around the world could honestly say that they believed the acts of hitler toward the Jews during world war II were right.

And, if right and wrong are subjective,(ie. 'What's right for you is not neccisarily right for me.') then what would happen if someone decided that it was right for them to murder you?

- creft

Posted on 2005-03-14 13:10:39


This whole thread, which started stupid, is now drooling into a pile of it's own feces... and smiling about it.

Smiling, gentlemen.

Posted on 2005-03-14 14:47:21


At least it's happy, right?

Posted on 2005-03-14 15:39:35


<triumph>For me to poop on!</triumph>

Posted on 2005-03-14 16:29:49


For me to poop on!

Where did you get that from?!

Posted on 2005-03-14 17:46:37

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