Love how admins get the last word here
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Mcgrue: I did not whine, damn you. Just because I said I thought you were 'starting to hate me'. Yeesh.

loretian: eheheheh. No offense.

Mcgrue: Forgot to mention, no offense there either, anywhere. I believe the words 'rant' and 'whine' have been used to describe what I have said of late. I think you're reading the words I write in ways I didn't intend.

Posted on 2005-03-09 14:10:29


Admins *always* get the last word. I mean, they're the ones who are truly in charge of moderating *their* website. They don't want the whole site degenerating from intellectual conversations to panda and ham threads (though these threads are extremely rad) to annoying threads and 'omg free xxxsexorz click hear kthx'. Plus, in almost any place it's a given that admins can manipulate, delete, or ban without justifying the cause.

In this case, they aren't trying to be harsh, but rather are trying to stop things before they get out-of-hand. This area is intended to have random (yet still friendly) community discussion.

Now, TomT64, you may have been expressing your opinion about unjust ban, but seeing as it was an *admin* that banned you from their LiveJournal, would it not make sense to leave at that? McGrue banned you because he didn't want things to get out-of-hand on his *personal* blog, based on past experience (ie. other arguments, particularly politics) with you. Whether or not McGrue was 'fair' is debatable, but you should know anyone will have very low chances succeeding when arguing against most admins about fairness.

Internet. Serious Business.

Posted on 2005-03-09 14:39:58


Justice is an amusing concept that does not exist outside of fiction.

Posted on 2005-03-09 15:24:42


I love justice! Ideals and virtues are the veritable bomb!

EDIT: I didn't post in the LiveJournal because...I dunno. Why post in the LiveJournal when I could add it to the previous thread? Plus I thought we all needed a group hug.

Posted on 2005-03-09 15:27:44 (last edited on 2005-03-09 15:29:35)


Believing justice to exist only in fiction is a true indication of immorality. That particular statement you made goes far beyond the bounds of a simple livejournal ban. If you seriously believe there is no such thing as justice you're dragging the rest of humanity down. I have nothing to say about anything that was said previous. Get a brain and a heart Grue.

Posted on 2005-03-09 17:06:12


Justice does indeed only show up in stories, because it always shows at east some bias towards the protagonist. It rarely addresses how the others character feel about this 'justice done'.

Likewise, McGrue banned you for reasons that seem right to him. It may be far from right to you though, but life isn't fair. Grow up.

Also, I'm sure what Grue said was not meant to be taken seriously.

Posted on 2005-03-09 17:18:10 (last edited on 2005-03-09 17:19:51)


Let's not start up a philosophy thread over a trivial comment. I think we're trying to get a little too much flavor out of the tea bags here.

Posted on 2005-03-09 18:50:06


A philosophical debate about justice is better than a thread about whining!

For my vote, I say justice is extremely subjective, and at least in my subjective view of justice, does not really exist in any part of the world that I'm familiar with!

Edit: Furthermore, I dont see how believing that justice is a thing of fairy tales is indicative of being 'immoral': its only either an indication that you're resigned or realistic.

Posted on 2005-03-09 19:38:09 (last edited on 2005-03-09 19:39:38)


No way it means realistic. It means a belief in a certain kind of reality that doesn't ACTUALLY exist. Because there is justice in the world. Period.

Posted on 2005-03-09 20:38:58


I think Justice Zero needs to make an appearance in this thread.

Edit: Also justice and whining about this in a second thread are two entirely separate discussions!

Posted on 2005-03-09 20:47:02 (last edited on 2005-03-09 20:50:02)


well I think there is some miscommunication here.
TomT64 what do you think justice is?
There are some senses of justice that are real and some that are not what do you mean?

Posted on 2005-03-09 20:56:16 (last edited on 2005-03-09 20:56:58)


Justice has nothing to do with the lj ban. Justice is payment for doing wrong. If I said or implied that the lj ban was unjust, I didn't mean that.

Posted on 2005-03-09 22:54:43


Justice also generally should place the damaged victim as nearly back on an undamaged level as possible. (Assuming the victim has been properly identified and the damages are reparable)

Posted on 2005-03-09 23:17:31


Quote:Originally posted by vecna

A philosophical debate about justice is better than a thread about whining!

What about a philosophical debate about whining?

Posted on 2005-03-09 23:52:49


Agreed Omni

Posted on 2005-03-10 02:36:15


Thanks, I love it too.

Posted on 2005-03-10 13:06:00


Justice exists if for no other reason than that it is an idea of mine that I choose to act upon. In which case if it is completely subjective, then subjectivity is completely irrelevant, since it can't be anything else.

On the upside, sweet tea tastes awesome.

Posted on 2005-03-10 16:10:55 (last edited on 2005-03-10 16:11:27)


Do not hold the world to your standards; It doesn't care.

Posted on 2005-03-10 17:02:48


It was more of myself holding myself to my standards. Thank you very much, Mr. Meanie McGrue.

Posted on 2005-03-10 17:05:40


Justice, by definition, is the moral principal that determines the fairness of actions. Put simply, a state in which people get what they deserve.

Justice exists, but some are lead to think it doesn't because the whole concept is subjective and therefore open to interpretation and misinterpretation.

If a criminal is executed, one guy might think justice has been served because they approve of the death sentence. Another may believe not if they believe death is an excessive penalty that puts the government on far more shake moral ground than that of the convict.

The only way to truly make sense of justice, I suppose, is to simply accept the generalised interpretation of it in respect to the most popular ideals: killing one-another is wrong, freedom of speech, freedom to think, freedom to procreate if the country isn't wildly over-populated etc.

Posted on 2005-03-10 17:28:00

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