Love how admins get the last word here
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My God is this thread still going?

I decided not to post in the happy thread since I really have nothing particularly humorous to contribute at this time, try as I might. Read for that in place of my absent post.

Posted on 2005-03-15 02:18:47


Jesus Christ, this is practically girl drama. Why don't you two settle this with a series of catty remarks about each other's looks when Shelly unknowingly invites you both to her slumber party next Friday.

Posted on 2005-03-15 15:29:49 (last edited on 2005-03-15 15:30:40)


Quote:Originally posted by Khross

Jesus Christ, this is practically girl drama. Why don't you two settle this with a series of catty remarks about each other's looks when Shelly unknowingly invites you both to her slumber party next Friday.

nuh uh girlfriend! Oh no you di-int!

Personally, I believe blogs are breeding grounds for girl drama and thusly should be avoided at all costs.

Posted on 2005-03-15 21:25:57


Since this thread appears to be winding down, and I have not yet bestowed my wisdom upon you all, I figured I'd go ahead and do just that. So basically my thoughts are thus:

Tom. No one cares. End of story.

Grue. I would expect a greater amount of maturity from you generally. Yeah, Tom is complaining about something he has no right to complain about - he doesn't know any better, but the least you could do is tell him why you banned him. Patronizing 'think harder' messages aren't exactly the kind you would expect from a forum admin, and certainly not the kind anyone deserves. Let's all treat eachother with a bit more respect, mm?

Posted on 2005-03-16 13:40:59


This thread deserves a degenerating and offensive image....

Posted on 2005-03-16 14:14:39


Sure you care. You're posting aren't you? Well? Hmm?

Anyway yeah it was confusing, and yeah I was mad. And I don't care if he never tells me why he banned me now. But at least I didn't use my anger and melodrama to ban him back or unfriend him in lj (not that any of that matters since NO ONE posts in my lj and McGrue could care less if I friend him or not). The point of course being that the typical knee jerk reaction is to get revenge, something I did not do. I got mad. I expressed my confusion and disgust, and I thought I could ask why he banned me. I figured it best to post here because any private channels could simply be ignored if he was just being an asshole.

Also, just because he's an admin, that in no way makes him somehow morally superior, or in any way superior. In fact the ban itself, since it was for a stupid reason (i.e. I didn't flame), is evidence for the exact opposite. But I wouldn't expect any of you to know that offhand without having read the offending post. I wish I had saved it, then I would have posted it here instead. I just hit refresh and it was all gone.

I guess if you want the gist of what I said (in one post), I will put it below. Feel free to skip it if you have already decided based on previous posts that I am a whiny little baby and no longer listen to anything I say:

I said that language itself does not indicate intelligence. 'halfassured' said mostly what I was going to say except I said also that animals indicate intelligence in ways other than language, and the fact that they can't speak doesn't mean they aren't intelligent. In fact, language itself may have caused us to lose other abilities that might otherwise have contributed to our intelligence, some of which animals still have and we don't. I heard a story about animals surviving the tsunami disaster by getting lost way ahead of time. I stated it matter of factly and did not relate that it was a story I heard.

That paragraph above sums up what I said. I really can only paraphrase since I didn't save the post. McGrue is free to dispute that this is in fact part of what I said.

Now I know now that not ALL animals survived, but I have no reason to doubt that some animals got out of the area, because animals do sense earthquakes and such coming and get away before it happens (documented).

Now, was that really so bad?

Posted on 2005-03-17 04:15:05


God that was a long ass post. My bad. I shall retire from Castle Heck and dig into my private account that I got at a BANK, NOT from Social Security, because that's stupid. STUPID I TELL YOU. GO TO THE FUCKING BANK RETARDS.

Posted on 2005-03-17 04:16:34


Quote:Originally posted by ThinIce

This thread deserves a degenerating and offensive image....


I am deeply moved by the respect you have for continuity.

Posted on 2005-03-17 10:05:05


Oh! I was thinking about the exact same 'does language indicate intelligence' argument a few weeks ago when for some reason I was reminded of Qui-Gon's quote from Episode 1. I remember thinking of what I thought was a really profound answer to the argument, but I can't remember it...

Posted on 2005-03-17 10:18:50

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