Right on, Althocreft. Meanwhile...
I've just encountered quite a curious bug: I have a map consisting of 14 100x100 layers. Its a new map made with maped3 and hence doesn't have an entities layer. It still loads, mind you, but what's very strange is that some of the layers aren't rendering. I ran a test and layers 5,6,7,8 and 9 appear off in the game but are fine in the editor. I'm not running any code to affect them so I'm assuming this is a bug that got missed since no-one's usiong this many layers.
The renderstring reads: 1,3,2,14,12,5,13,4,8,10,7,6,11,9,R. The individual layers are as follows:
1: The floor
3: The floor overlay
2: The walls
14: Wall overlay 1
12: Wall overlay 2
5: Doors
--------- Entity layer would go here
13: Walk-behinds 1
4: Walk-behinds 2
8: Semi-transparent windows
10: Fading layer 1
7: Fading layer 2
6: Fading layer 3
11: Fading shadows
9: Trees
The idea I'm working on is that when the player enters a house, the roof fades out to allow you to see inside rather than cutting to a seperate interior. I can't abide tiny houses with disproportionate interiors. The "fading" layers are the ones that fade away.
Below are the comparative images. The top one is maped3 with the fading layers turned off, the second is maped 3 with the fading layers turned on and the bottom one is what v3 renders in-game. Hopefully, this is enough info to help get this particularly annoying bug squashed.
Posted on 2004-04-09 23:43:51
I am getting the same bug that kildorf is getting.
Posted on 2004-04-10 22:04:24
Since the release of the latest Maped3 the animate bug seems to have got worse. Turning animations on just once locks it up every time now on my Windows 98 system. Also, I can't see if anyone else has already said this, but the obstruction, entity, and zone layers are the only ones to appear transparent in Maped.
And a suggestion for a future version: the ability to move around the map using the arrow keys like in Maped2, and/or mousewheel support for the same. Currently the only area of Maped that the mousewheel will move for me is the layer box.
EDIT: Damn. On rebooting (my computer had been running since before I downloaded the new version of Maped3) the animate bug seems to have disappeared completely!
Also, I can't remember if this was the case before, but I've just noticed that animations are only animated if the FIRST frame in the sequence is the one placed on the map. I'm sure I would have noticed this before if it had been happening then...
And what is the third mouse button supposed to do? Sometimes holding it down lets you scroll around the map, and sometimes it draws blank tiles. This has probably already been covered somewhere, but thought I'd mention it just in case.
Posted on 2004-04-11 16:29:24 (last edited on 2004-04-11 17:15:37)
Animations work semi-fine for me (Win XP pro). Only forwards animation works, no ping-pong etc. They just render blank. I can definetly confirm that lucency bug with the layers though. I'm working with shadows and I have huge black blocks all over the place because maped isn't rendering them properly.
Posted on 2004-04-12 00:49:00
This is a bug concerning the importing of tiles into your vsp. Once you've imported an image into your vsp somehow, you can't ever import anything else beyond what you've already imported.
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at winmaped2.Vsp24.GetTiles(Image img, Int32 gridsize)
at winmaped2.MainWindow.doimport(Boolean repeat)
at winmaped2.MainWindow.miImportAgain_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItemData.Execute()
at System.Windows.Forms.Command.Invoke()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmCommand(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Hope this helps you.
Posted on 2004-04-12 03:25:52 (last edited on 2004-04-12 04:24:28)
kildorf: I had some issues last night when trying to save maps (as in, it wouldn't work at all, crashing with an "Index is outside bounds of the array." Function trace is : ...
fixed. the function trace actually came in handy for once. hurrah!
Posted on 2004-04-14 04:33:27
There's a bug when maped shows the renderstring. Maped lists the renderstring as 1,2,3,4,5... etc. VERGE, however, starts its layers count at layer "0," ie what Maped calls layer 1 on the rendersting is in fact 0 to v3. As a result, each layer is numbered -1 of what maped is telling you it is. Bizarrely, the layers default titles in the list box you manipulate them in are the RIGHT numbers.
Posted on 2004-04-16 00:02:37
Can we have a feature that re-numbers graphic layers from 1 to however many there are? The renderstring looks a mess when you've been hastily rearranging lots of layers.
Also, once you've named all your layers theres nothing to tell you what their index number is: we really need something that indicates this as I'm having to work it out at the moment. Could you fit a little box under "Render Options that informs the user what number layer they're working on or something?
Posted on 2004-04-16 00:03:49
A few more Maped suggestions:
+ There doesn't seem to be the option to change the tileset a map uses in Maped. We should have one.
+ When TileEd gets done, can we have colours adjustable as HSL values as well as RGB? Fiddling with a colours hue, saturation and lightness is very useful indeed.
+ An eye-dropper tool for TileEd is essential.
+ The option to export a tileset without the single-pixel padding would also come in handy, especially if you work without the padding and accidentally trash the original.
+ If Maped doesn't find the help file, it will crash. A friendly warning is required to inform the user to stop buggering about with Maped's files.
+ At last, can we FINALLY view CHRs in maped as they're meant to be seen in-game? An option could be implemented to toggle between their CHR image and the standard yellow box with a number in it
Posted on 2004-04-17 00:25:04
Hrm, ok. I just realised there *is* an option to change the tileset: my mistake. I expected it to be under "map properties," d'oh.
Posted on 2004-04-18 01:23:17
Alright, since I can't go any res above 800x600, do you think you can make popup windows for the mini-map, and render options? You could make it possible to open the windows through the View menu or something. I've pointed out this issue I have before, but I figure this solution sounds better than the one I suggested previously (ie. scroll bars).
Posted on 2004-04-18 03:23:11
Intereference, I am sad that you didnt notice my totally awesome HSL color picker. Try clicking on one of the colors next to the RGB sliders. Otherwise, all good points.
Posted on 2004-04-18 23:11:18
overkill, that's certainly a possibility. It's just something I have to work out with the .net framework. It's difficult to get an OnTop window thats not OnTop of other apps, for some reason. It takes weird voodoo.
Posted on 2004-04-18 23:13:23
I am sad that you didnt notice my totally awesome HSL color picker.
Oh, I see. That's neat. Would sliders next to the HSL/RGB values for altering them be a possibility? Typing stuff in tends to take the fun out of it. Other than that, brilliant.
On the help file: is it going to be context sensitive and will the community get the opportunity to contribute to it? It would certainly help make it as comprehensive as possible.
Posted on 2004-04-19 00:49:43
Uhh I don't see the need for sliders next to the numbers?? You just need to move the hue slider vertically and the sat/lum x/y control on the left. Alter the RGB without going into the dialog.
Posted on 2004-04-19 01:29:40
Nevermind. I'm just used to Paintshop Pro's abundance of sliders. You pick a colour and the HSL and RGB values show up in boxes. Sliders next to them allow for more refined tweaking of the colour by messing with saturation and lightness seperately.
PSP's colour picker looks like this:
It has more options than it really needs but its the most effective colour picker I've ever used.
Posted on 2004-04-19 22:58:24
Hmm that's a possibility. But don't expect it any time soon. And I disagree. PS's HSL picker is better because it doesnt have an annoying circular hue picker (yes i know its measured in degrees), and the area that shows the L/S is very big and thus very precise.
Posted on 2004-04-20 10:19:42
PS's HSL picker is better because it doesnt have an annoying circular hue picker (yes i know its measured in degrees), and the area that shows the L/S is very big and thus very precise.
That's where the sliders come in. The lack of precision is compensated by the sliders even though that isn't their only purpose, although the circle is a bit large and PS's simple hue bar is admittedly a better method of selection. A consolodation of the two would be marvellous but, like you say, I wouldn't expect it any time soon.
Posted on 2004-04-21 00:25:11
Another suggestion - It's rather difficult to differentiate 16x16 tiles on a 1024x768 hires screen. God help anyone who runs at a higher res.
Be very very nice if you could scale the size of the tiles in the tile picker.
Posted on 2004-04-21 11:40:34
Mcgrue... Saga Of The Stars?..
In Lost R'lyeh, Onam sleeps. When the day of the talking shellfish comes, Onam soon shall follow.
Posted on 2004-04-21 12:12:46