Maped3 issues
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Meh, I've got so used to asking, that I decided to save myself the hassle and just stick it in the sig.

R'lyeh? The last time I checked, he was stuck on top of a mountain :p

Posted on 2004-04-21 12:15:10


It's been so long that the techtonic plate has subdued.

Posted on 2004-04-23 22:18:39


Er, I hate to bring this one up again (I know I said it had gone for me with the new version), but the Maped animate bug seems to be back with a vengeance. It's weird, some days it won't do it at all, and other days (like today) it does it a lot. I just spent an hour trying out various different maps, and was on the verge of deciding that it was only V2 maps with four or more layers which would crash, when... ALL V3 maps started crashing too.

If only I had the money not to have to use Windows 98...

Posted on 2004-04-25 18:07:24 (last edited on 2004-04-25 18:08:52)


please explain the maped animate bug to me, and the nature of the crashes, and any screen shots of the crash you might have

Posted on 2004-04-25 20:18:11


Ok. The bug occurs when clicking on the "animate" check box, either when switching animations on or off. Some of the time it will be fine, and some of the time maped will completely freeze. No error message or anything, and pressing ctrl+alt+del reveals it has a [Not responding] status in the Close Program box. That's all I know, really. Though I hear it's a Win98 only thing.

Posted on 2004-04-25 20:57:53


A couple things:

First, a question, since it hasn't been brought up since the first page of this thread. Is there a way to delete tiles from the VSP yet? I tried to figure it out, but nothing worked. I imported a bunch of tiles which looked okay in Maped, but since translucency is still not functional in Maped, I couldn't see what it would actually look like until I ran the game, which meant saving the VSP. It looks bad, and I need a way to get those tiles out.

Second, since there is currently no support for larger tile sizes, and as I suspect others like me who are running in a higher resolution are simulating larger tiles by laying down several tiles and then copy/pasting a 2x2 or larger area as one tile, it can be get pretty hard to remember exactly how to order the tiles to create things. How about an option to save Maped's clipboard contents as an "object" in a "special file". When you load up a map in Maped that has such a "special file" by the same name as the VSP used, it'll load up that file. Then, you can select from a list at any time to load up a series of tiles directly into Maped's clipboard. You would be able to name the entries in this list (like "table" or "wooden door"). It would save lots of time and frustration. :-) What do you think?

Posted on 2004-04-26 00:58:33


Zeromus's working on vsp management features, I believe.

(edit: .gif's? wtf?)

Posted on 2004-04-26 01:20:01 (last edited on 2004-04-28 07:00:29)


I can't count the number of times I've pressed "O", expecting it to jump to obstruction editing mode.

What I've been doing is a replace-import. I use a bitmap image as my VSP. The little tile window is about 320 pixels wide, so if you use an image of that width, all your images will stay "as they are" in the bitmap, so you can cluster tiles together "as they will be" when you want to place them on the map. Of course, the bitmaps are a fair size (though you don't need to distribute those with the game, just the VSPs), and they might lead to a bit of wasted space in the final VSP, but personally I think the flexibilty is worth any wasted space.

That's the tileset I've been messing around with at the moment, in nice, website friendly .jpg. format.

As to how you'd get your tiles back OUT of VSP format... Not a clue, I'm afraid.

Posted on 2004-04-28 06:52:41 (last edited on 2004-04-28 07:06:01)


I discovered a fairly big bug. If you accidentally drag outside the map area with the second point of a line, rect or rectfill it will cause Maped to freeze. This has happened many, many times to me.

Posted on 2004-04-28 23:02:52


I discovered a fairly big bug. If you accidentally drag outside the map area with the second point of a line, rect or rectfill it will cause Maped to freeze. This has happened many, many times to me.

I get the same problem. It also does it with the regular single tile brush.

- Creft

Posted on 2004-04-28 23:31:19


An ALL NEW maped bug for you!

Maped is crashing on a semi-regular basis after I exit the zones property box and start laying down zones. In this case, I was laying zone 9. The exception text is as follows:

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at winmaped2.SetTile.exec()
at winmaped2.Plugins.MapEventInfo.setTile(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 val)
at winmaped2.map_plugins.BrushTool.cb(Int32 x, Int32 y, Object tag)
at pr2.BresenhamLine.draw(Int32 Ax, Int32 Ay, Int32 Bx, Int32 By, Callback cb, Object tag)
at winmaped2.map_plugins.BrushTool.MouseMoveTile(MapEventInfo mei)
at winmaped2.mapView.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Posted on 2004-06-27 23:25:56


'Different sized tiles isn't something we're interested in for now.'

14 years ago 16x16 tiles were impressive. Its 2004 now.
Even a relatively small increase to allow for 32x32 tiles would make worlds of difference. You guys may not be interested in making larger res tiles, but I would assume that you are interested in having users. You just lost one.

Posted on 2004-09-19 07:43:46



Square that, and discover how to make 32x32 tiles.


Posted on 2004-09-19 08:10:25


If you mean that I should repeat 16x16 tiles 4 times to create 32x32 tiles, you are insane. That would take an inordinate amount of time. By your logic, tiles would best be 1x1 repeated 256 times.

Posted on 2004-09-19 08:51:13


If you're in tile-paste mode and you switch to obstruction the obstruction layer, nothing happens.

Posted on 2004-10-06 19:38:51


Quote:Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)

If you mean that I should repeat 16x16 tiles 4 times to create 32x32 tiles, you are insane. That would take an inordinate amount of time. By your logic, tiles would best be 1x1 repeated 256 times.
This is what the brushes are going to be for. You can grab a series of tiles from the vsp and plot them in chunks.

Posted on 2004-10-10 22:59:34


Drag Drop Registration failed occurs becuz:

Try placing the attribute [STA Thread] on your Main method. OLE D&D requires single threaded apartments.

static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());

Posted on 2004-10-14 00:31:49


Kenneth Rundt made (www.)SynthFont(.com) work with my computer's network drive, so I know it's possible to get a program working for a user that does not have administrative rights.

I'd like to help with 'Epic of Serinor''s mapping but cannot due to Maped3's (at the moment) deft handling of my situation.

If you at least consider this request, you have my very sincere gratitude. I'm sure there are others in similar situations that would equally appreciate it.

Posted on 2005-01-14 23:22:21


Quote:Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)

If you mean that I should repeat 16x16 tiles 4 times to create 32x32 tiles, you are insane. That would take an inordinate amount of time. By your logic, tiles would best be 1x1 repeated 256 times.

It doesn't take that long. My game is 640x480 and has 'simulated' 32x32 tiles. Once you make the tile once, you can just use the copy/paste and it'll plunk down the whole thing.

Plus, this leaves you with the advantage of being able to break apart your 32x32 tiles when necessary. I save a lot of room in my tilesets by being able to do that.

Posted on 2005-05-24 11:47:51


cmdratz has totally gone missing :(

Posted on 2005-05-24 12:12:15

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