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Re: Omni

Hahaha, man. In SHM I was too lazy to use zones, so the game determined what to do by checking the tile the player was on (since it had to check where he was constantly anyway).

Posted on 2004-08-23 11:27:04


Quote:Originally posted by Blues Zodiakos

I actually pondered doing when I first started thinking about it, because I thought that's how the game sees it. But the platforms you can walk under screwed me up. The problem, I think, is obstructions. If we had multiple obstruction layers that you could turn on/off at will, this would almost be too easy.

Hmm, I feel sure I already posted this suggestion, but there's no sign of it, so obviously I mucked something up.

Assming you're going to use square obstructions, you culd get a similar effect to multiple obstruction layers by using different tiles. Tile 0 would be completely unobstructed, Tile 1 would be obstructed below, Tile 2 would be obstructed above, and Tile 3 would be completely obstructed.

Posted on 2004-08-28 15:20:29


Indeed. This is what I implied, and Omni said explicitly. Of course, you could get a specific pixel from any retreived tile too, and treat as obsructing only if it's not magenta. At some point I might do something with this. However at the moment I am:
-Trying to finish sully menus. Then think about BS.
-Sorting out the faq. I need to upload what I've done.
-Messing with generic textbox/menu library.
-Thinking I'm not taking my own maek gamz advice.

Also, tester:


Posted on 2004-08-28 15:56:07

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