17 day compo draws to a close...
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Remember, as always, to upload your entries [here]

As of this posting, only two incomplete entries are in. Please upload your complete and incomplete entries! :)

Posted on 2004-07-05 04:37:18


I only see one.

Posted on 2004-07-05 04:43:56


It is done [Link]

There is no secret cow level

Posted on 2004-07-05 05:03:25


Submission uploaded. It's unfinished but you weren't surprised, were you?

Slink off to the contest files directory and snag Parallel 7. Enjoy.

Posted on 2004-07-05 05:29:41


Mine is uploading again, since I was a dumbass the first time I uploaded it and managed to put up an enormous zip containing some temp files that were completely extraneous, but very large.

Congrats to all who got something in, and those who tried. :) Once it goes up I so need to sleep. I will be playing everyone's games tomorrow, I'm sure!

Edit: And now that I've sat here waiting for it to upload, it tells me that it can't upload that file until after it's done doing so. Try #3.

Edit: And again! I'm sure this would be much easier if I weren't half braindead from lack of sleep.

Posted on 2004-07-05 05:38:25 (last edited on 2004-07-05 05:54:38)


Ness's game will lock up your computer if you die in battle, because he forgets to check for input and verge is still too ancient to get past it. In 2004, no less.

It's really sad.

But I'm glad you put your BS to some use. The balance is still horrible, though.

Posted on 2004-07-05 05:51:47


stupid thing..........

Ok....so um....dont die in battle?

Posted on 2004-07-05 05:55:33


grammatically correct title:
"17teen days compo draw tos a closes..."

Posted on 2004-07-05 05:56:55


Quote:Originally posted by Falthorn

grammatically correct title:
"17teen days compo draw tos a closes..."


Uploading my entry soon. My team abandoned me, so I had to script pretty much the entire game myself in the last several hours of the competition. Hope you all enjoy it.

Posted on 2004-07-05 06:45:08


I did my part I think. >_>

Posted on 2004-07-05 06:55:03


Anything I might've worked on is not worth turning in. I got sick for about a week, and then some major busy work kicked in...

I just tried Technetium's entry and after the Mayor said he doesn't wanna lose his son over this, the dialogue box disappears and the game just hangs. I waited like a minute and nothing happened... What I saw looked really good though with the hi-res graphics and all.

Addendum: I just tried Interference's/Zip's demo, and it shows potential. I like the conversations, and with enough work, the battle system could be made into an Arc the Lad-style system(speaking of which, I got my ass kicked by a drunkard) :P But there is one MAJOR PROBLEM. Rather than fixing the game, the bugfix system.xvc breaks it. :/

Posted on 2004-07-05 07:52:35 (last edited on 2004-07-05 08:07:52)


Right, my first upload just kills stuff, this seems to be because changing code requires new map files, not just the system.xvc
Thank you IRC and docs for keeping me up 2 more hours than I need to. I'm uploading a fixed fix now: overwrite your shit with it.


Posted on 2004-07-05 08:16:49


Or the player could just rename crew_mz.chr to crew-mz.chr. :P

And why did you have to include those other savs? Now I'm curious.

Posted on 2004-07-05 08:49:07


That doesn't fix a problem with an invisible block splat bang in the middle of where you're supposed to be fighting. Or my silly oversight on the cancel msgbox popup. But ues, minor problems.
As for the saves, I imagine it was because Interf. was knackerd and forgot to remove them (or maybe he had a master plan). Also why the - not _ error. HoV dude: it's the way it goes. 50% of the battle code was done in the last two days, and any balance was just done by me doing number estimates. :D

Right, bed, before anyone else bitches at me.


Posted on 2004-07-05 08:56:23


Jesus christ, Ness. This is the slowest walking speed in anything ever. To move from one side of the screen to the other, I have to tape the button down while I go do other things around the house. What's his speed, 33?

It doesn't freeze on death at all for me, by the way. Was this fixed, or is Thrasher crazy?

Posted on 2004-07-05 10:32:27 (last edited on 2004-07-05 10:36:04)


Um yeah the walk speed is slow, I ment to fix that but never got around to looking up what the function was. and about the death freeze, It's never happened to me, and right after that post I went to sleep so I didn't change anything.

Mabey the magical code farries came during the night and changed the bits of the zip on verges server to fix the bug. Or mabey it's just another one of those weird bugs that seems to fix it's self in the HoV.

Posted on 2004-07-05 12:34:25


Now you can walk at 2Xspeed. blah

Oh and I just ran through the game. No leveling, and minimal items and I beat it. And if I can do it, so can you.

or something

Posted on 2004-07-05 13:27:46


Upon waking up this morning (a little bit after I was supposed to already be at work) I remembered that I had completely failed to include credits of any sort for Geas. So... I'd like to stick my credits and acknowledgements here, instead:

Music - Erdrick (www.erdrick.com)
Sprites, Portraits - tulokyn (tulokyn.northknight.com)
Tile Art, Maps, Scripting, Story - Kildorf (ceramicpig.northknight.com)

Special Thanks:
- Phoenix, Bubbles, and Sprite
- The Calm Café, #vergehelp, and #killpop people, for their encouragement and cheering
- The Verge dev team, for Verge (of course)
- Tsugumo, for a great pixelart tutorial
- Sierra, my and tulokyn's good friend and neighbour, for helping us stay awake.

Posted on 2004-07-05 14:27:53


I found the same problem in my demo that rpgking ran into, and of course it was after I uploaded it on my 56k connection that it came up. It doesn't always happen, and unfortunately it never happened during testing.

What I learned is, don't use entity.face. Always use entitymove with "F" instead.

Ah well. I'll go download other people's entries now.

Posted on 2004-07-05 16:15:00 (last edited on 2004-07-05 16:15:01)


I just played Duskbane, and the lighting system and tile art were amazing. The lighting really added to the mysteriousness and creepiness of the night(as did the excellent music). I look forward to a complete version of the game. I actually got to the point where Toen comes in and says that this is the end. :D

BTW, I was startled on a certain "jump scene". No 2D game has ever made me do that :P

I have a suggestion for the future. Try and make the game more gamepad-friendly. The main thing I'm talking about are dialogue boxes. You should be able to press a gamepad button to confirm dialogue. It's kind of annoying to press the enter key and use the gamepad at the same time. :D

Posted on 2004-07-05 18:17:38 (last edited on 2004-07-05 18:47:52)

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