Battle System HoV draws to a close.
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There is less than 3 hours to go, campers. Please start uploading your files [here].
I've also decided upon a fitting prize, and in the style of Whose Line is it Anyway, I shall announce the prize along with the winners. OH THE SUSPENSE!
Unless anything goes wrong, this contest's judges will be Hahn, Miko, and myself. And maybe the Seeekrit Mystery Judge. Although you have to do a lot of sidequests to unlock that judge.
Posted on 2004-06-07 02:35:52
I'm annoyed, so giving up and going to bed. Should have read this, but didn't realise and don't feel like going back a rewriting a bunch of code to a worse system.
My HoV entry
Feel free to spend very little time judging it. (The bonus is good though)
Posted on 2004-06-07 03:04:46
Damn, I had a lot going on and didn't get the opportunity to get much done for this HOV. I am definetly up for the RPG one, though. No, really.
Posted on 2004-06-07 10:07:11
Unfortunately, I've got to throw my lot in with Interference. I even managed to leave about four hours of work that I did do in another province. Go me, eh? I didn't really feel like submitting what I did have last night, which consisted of a mouse-drawn battle field (the work of about 5 minutes) and the amazing phrase, "YOU ARE BATTEL!".
RPG compo, definitely, though.
Posted on 2004-06-07 11:07:32 (last edited on 2004-06-07 11:10:53)
I NEED this battle system. No, seriously! Please upload it :)
What do I need it for? I have no idea. I just know I NEED it.
Posted on 2004-06-07 16:07:14 (last edited on 2004-06-07 16:07:39)
Uh... okay, resident. I'll upload it when I get home. (I am at work now.)
Posted on 2004-06-07 16:11:00
Look at it this way - it's still far ahead of what the Sully Demo offers ;)
Posted on 2004-06-07 17:03:43
Okay, resident. You can get my awesome system here:
Kildorf's Battel Engine
I refuse to waste v-rpg's bandwidth and the judges' time by pretending it's a proper entry. :P
Posted on 2004-06-07 22:39:56
Oh my... That is the best battle system I have ever seen...
At least your text was funny =D
Posted on 2004-06-08 03:40:07
Quote: Originally posted by Kildorf
Okay, resident. You can get my awesome system here:
Kildorf's Battel Engine
I refuse to waste v-rpg's bandwidth and the judges' time by pretending it's a proper entry. :P
...This is the best battle system you've ever seen. And I'm to blame!
I'll go down in history forever known as the grandfather of the best battle system! I'm so proud! ;_;
Posted on 2004-06-08 04:09:41
which RPG is most current, what should i do... i'm bleeding out the ears from playing too much cstrike, help me... deleted as of last week... no food... help... h...
[email removed for privacy]
Posted on 2004-06-08 04:15:22 (last edited on 2004-06-08 04:37:25)
intimidating bunch of gamers we got here. I'm assuming it's text-based RPG, but I'd prefer to just ask the question "Where do I start?" you can thank Ira for my interest in this.... chances are i'll never get into it, but i'd like to give it a whack on the head for old times sake... plz help me Ben, or send someone to help... and you can delete that last anonymous post, it was me before registering... i feel like my email address is a naked virgin in the red-light district... mommy
Posted on 2004-06-08 04:28:12
sorry... you all hate me now...
Posted on 2004-06-08 04:29:21
I edited your email out for privacy reasons.
As for a clue as to what kind of RPG, try out the [old tech demo], the [current graphics test], and the [current tech demo] (less complete than the old one because of... uh... LOOK OVER THERE!)
Posted on 2004-06-08 04:39:41
Quote: Originally posted by Wiji
sorry... you all hate me now...
A winner is you!!1
As the author of post number 15,000 you are entitled to a free "Make faux pas without being hated" card, and you dont even have to click here
I'll take that back now please.. (rip)
Posted on 2004-06-08 04:43:26
this is much cooler than text based crap!!! even tho it takes you hours and hours to make this stuff, i can enjoy it as tho a child... this is really something... are you all programmers learning the ropes the hard way? or is there more to this than demos, perhaps some way to compete or fight, even if just simulated flashes and game music? thanks for the prize shadowy mexican..
btw, is that Stan fella really Jaquio from Ninja Gaiden II? hmmm
Posted on 2004-06-08 09:26:54
Are we at 16,000 posts yet? ......
Posted on 2004-06-08 09:27:55
Programmers of all skill levels call VERGE their hobby. Personally, I basically learned how to code via vc way back in the day... which probably contributed to my derangements.
Posted on 2004-06-08 10:51:46
Quote: Originally posted by Kildorf
Okay, resident. You can get my awesome system here:
Kildorf's Battel Engine
I refuse to waste v-rpg's bandwidth and the judges' time by pretending it's a proper entry. :P
If this doesn't win, there's no justice in the world.
and despite it taking you all of 5 mnutes to make, spiffy background too.
Posted on 2004-06-08 11:17:19 (last edited on 2004-06-08 11:19:03)
That "battle system" had better music than Balls of Steel :D
Posted on 2004-06-08 15:15:53 (last edited on 2004-06-08 16:54:59)