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There's been a little bit of activity lately on the general boards. Three Four demos have surfaced in the last few days (all winv2):

Malzen is an intresting game with a fair amount of code behind it. Be sure to read the readme, as the control scheme is unconventional.

Rysen Ranch is a Harvest Moon clone! It looks pretty durn neat, especially if you liked Harvest Moon.

Basil has created a mouse-driven movement-based RPG engine, with a modern-day military feel. Definitly worth checking out!

Also of note is the results of Zara's alternate games competition. Although the results were close, A weird little game by Tatsumi, Zeromus, and Toen using the prototypical v3 engine took first. I'm half to blame for that...

Finally, the new website is currently in the initial testing phase. Our highly trained staff of monkeys, baboons, gorillaz, and various other simians are beating on all of the keys trying to break the site left and right, and I'm running around with the electronic version of spackle wherever a leak springs. Don't worry... there'll be a much more user friendly website very shortly!

That is all for now...

Edit: FYI, there will be a small amount of downtime for and it's hosted sites Monday morning, around 10 AM CST. We're just doing some maintenance checks in preparation for the new site -loretian Edit #2: The downtime didn't occur exactly when planned, but it was over quickly. Everything went well, the server equipment is in a good shape. Soon, ye shall see the fruits of Grue's hard labor. -lore

Posted on 2004-02-07 05:22:36

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.