We love you again
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Hey folks. We've dragged this out for a while, but the day has finally come: A new engine release! This isn't a wussy release, either; there's a lot of bugs fixed and some stuff that people have been asking after for quite a while. Verge3, 2005.07.21 build Along with this, we have another little gem of awesome! It's been hinted at, whispered, and outright said, but finally we have something to actually show off. Thanks to the esteemable Jesse, we have a first-ever MacOS Sully demo. MacSully, Son of the Clam We don't yet have any development stuff (ie. maped) for Mac, but they are in the works. Hopefully this should at least pique some interest. Tell your Mac friends! :D I'll post a changelist in the first post of the talkback. Be happy and free, children!
Posted on 2005-07-21 20:29:48 (last edited on 2005-08-14 06:59:47)
From v3changes.txt
- Mac Version (see included readme for details)
- By putting 'editcode 1' in verge.cfg, you can reload and evaluate code at runtime. Incompatible with releasemode.
- New expression parser that includes unary minus, unary bitwise not (~) and correct handling of logical operators and parenthesis. Also allows logical operators outside of conditionals. (eg. 'int x = a || b')
- verge.cfg now has comments (# or //) and handles tabs. Values must not have whitespace.
- Addded curmap.path, which is the path (relative to the verge top directory) of the current map.
- Added Read/write access to parallax via layer.parallaxx[],layer.parallaxy[]
- Added ImageValid(int img) to test if an int is a valid image handle
- entity.obstructable[] now works for the player. To help with backwards compatibility, SetPlayer() now makes the passed entity obstructable.
- entity.chr[] added to allow read/write access to the CHR for entities
- Added FileEOF(int file). Returns 1 if the current file pos is at the end of the file
- Added asc(). asc() returns the int value of the first character of the passed string, returns 0 for ''
- Removed 253 chr limit on FileReadLn
- Added an _os macro, which can take values 'mac' or 'win'
- Added the _build macro, an int of the form YYYYMMDD
- FileSeekPos's SEEK_END now accepts +ve or -ve values (both mean back from the end)
- Fixed the automax 0 bug on win98 (and XP in odd cases)
- Fixed a bug where a zone might not activate even with 100% activation chance
- Fixed imageshell/rotscale bug
- Fixed pixel-based movement in movestrings (P/T works now.)
- Fixed a bug with stalking a CHR with different-length walk animation
- Fixed a bug with switching entities from wandering to stalking and back
- Fixed a bug where entities with speed < 100 would barely move
- Fixed a parsing bug with numeric literals at the end of a line
- Fixed a bug where #include's are not parsed property at the end of a file
- Fixed check for arrayness that prevented 1-length arrays
NOTE: This release is incompatible with previous releases' compiled VC
Posted on 2005-07-21 20:34:13
Just wanted to mention this is a beta release, so please expect, look for, and report bugs (in the forums.) Thanks!
Posted on 2005-07-21 21:34:23
Posted on 2005-07-22 02:38:37
Posted on 2005-07-22 09:32:40
New expression parser that includes unary minus, unary bitwise not (~) and correct handling of logical operators and parenthesis. Also allows logical operators outside of conditionals. (eg. 'int x = a || b')
Fixed a bug where a zone might not activate even with 100% activation chance
Fixed pixel-based movement in movestrings (P/T works now.)
!!!! :):):)
Posted on 2005-07-22 09:44:42
(P/T works now.) <-- whats that?
New expression parser that includes unary minus, unary bitwise not (~) and correct handling of logical operators and parenthesis. Also allows logical operators outside of conditionals. (eg. 'int x = a || b')<-- come again?
- By putting 'editcode 1' in verge.cfg, you can reload and evaluate code at runtime. Incompatible with releasemode. <-- SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 2005-07-22 09:56:15
Quote: Originally posted by RageCage
(P/T works now.) <-- whats that?
New expression parser that includes unary minus, unary bitwise not (~) and correct handling of logical operators and parenthesis. Also allows logical operators outside of conditionals. (eg. 'int x = a || b')<-- come again?
- By putting 'editcode 1' in verge.cfg, you can reload and evaluate code at runtime. Incompatible with releasemode. <-- SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
P/T is for toggling pixel-based and tile-based EntityMove scripts.
Unary minus means -1, not 0 - 1.
Bitwise not is useful for bitfield stuff.
The operators and parenthesis fix allows:
if ((you_suck && your_friends == 0) || you_are_dead)
Exit('You suck at life');
Logical operators outside of conditionals should probably let you do something useful like this (updated version of what's currently in the code vault):
// Check for mouse within rectangular area
int DetectMouseCollision(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
// Pass: the top left x1,y1 and bottom right x2,y2 coords of the rectangle
// Return: True if the mouse is within the rectangle, false if it is not
// Credit: Overkill
return (mouse.x >= x1 && mouse.x <= x2 && mouse.y >= y1 && mouse.y <= y2);
Posted on 2005-07-22 10:31:43
Nice summary, Overkill.
Quote:Originally posted by Overkill
Unary minus means -1, not 0 - 1.
Unary minus (and bitwise not) can also be applied to anything else. Like -myvar or -(1+2).
Posted on 2005-07-22 11:14:31
Oh, hey, look! The V3 logo is all glossified!
Posted on 2005-07-22 11:37:44
Omni, did you forget your password?
I can change it you know. I HAVE THE POWER.
Posted on 2005-07-22 17:20:01
I think he's just too cool to login like us losers :(
Posted on 2005-07-22 18:03:09
I just never log out! :D
So I'm like... a loser... all the time...
Posted on 2005-07-22 18:17:53
I don't think I've logged out in... months.
Posted on 2005-07-22 18:40:05
No, no. I use the desktop computer a bit during the day, and ever since I've left for college I haven't done much on the desktop. So, I've been too lazy cool to log back in.
Posted on 2005-07-22 23:13:41
oh god that's awsome! thanks for the explination ovk!
Posted on 2005-07-22 23:45:57
What does 'reload and evaluate code at runtime' mean? I thought Verge already did that. Does this mean I can edit a Map VC file, then visit the map, and Verge will load and compile the new changed Map VC?
Posted on 2005-07-23 09:24:48
Quote: Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)
What does 'reload and evaluate code at runtime' mean? I thought Verge already did that. Does this mean I can edit a Map VC file, then visit the map, and Verge will load and compile the new changed Map VC?
Sort of... when you run the exe with editcode turned on, you get a second window:
You can highlight a VergeC file and click 'Reload VC', and it will recompile and reload that file right then. Any functions that you're in the middle of will be allowed to finish as they were before, but all new function calls will be from the new file.
Clicking 'Reload Map' will restart the current map, recompiling the map vc and incorporating any changes you've made with maped or whatever.
The other box there, as you can see, is where you can type in lines of code to execute right then. Basically when you click the 'Eval' button it's as if you called a function with a code body of what you've typed in there.
Does that clear things up for anyone?
Posted on 2005-07-23 09:35:02
Quite. And that was me, thanks. Though I kinda wished I could call for reloading in the VC code itself...kind of a ReloadVC(string vcfile) function. This is still really spiffy though -- I just ran into a situation this week where I'd really like to have the function...not like that situation will ever practically arise...er, anyway. Great job on the release!
Posted on 2005-07-23 09:41:55
Omni... you're not writing self-modifying code, are you? o_o
Posted on 2005-07-23 10:01:03