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*cough* McFly *cough*.

OMG. When I first saw them on Top of the Pops or whatever it was, I SO felt the need to punch some faces.

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:34:58


Exactly how much credibility were they expecting to amass, naming themselves after the main character in Back to the Future?

TOTP is a fucking joke these days. Its trying to be "street." Jimmy Saville was better than this. Actually, I rate torture involving electricity and my genitalia more entertaining.

What the hell went wrong with the current generation of 8-14 year-olds? I feel almost parent-ish to admit it, but they're a bunch of mindless crap-obsessed morons with the collective ingenuity and taste of a lobotomised, geriatric McDonalds employee.

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:45:03


mindless crap-obsessed morons

I completely agree. If they didn't BUY crap, record companies wouldn't MAKE crap. Take the 90's. In this country anyway, it was chock-full of actual BANDS making actual EXCELLENT MUSIC. And now "bands" like Busted and McFly want you to think they're in the same league as Oasis simply because they actually play their own instruments! What kind of a selling point is that for a band? Playing instruments is what bands DO, it's not supposed to be a novelty! Damn, I'm even more pissed off now.

And yes, I'd rather stare at 45 minutes of Jimmy Saville having his hair permed than watch the crap on Top of the Pops.

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:54:49


I find the fact quite amusing that these bands have a "unique selling point" in that they can play. Its trying to form the idea that its in retaliation of Boybands, just as they were dying out in the late ninties. What the target audience doesn't seem to realise is, the people who ran boybands ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO'RE RUNNING BUSTED. Jesus, these people are IMBECILES.

And incidentally, can I have a show of hands for who would like to see the British group "Blazin' Squad" - a bunch of highly annoying 14-year-old "gangsta" hip-hop wannabes - tied to a parked car, dipped in battery acid, repeatedly hit with pieces of masonry, subjected to a length reading of some Barbara Cartland novels, nibbled on by flea-infested ferrets, sprayed in the eyes with underarm deodorant, doused in petrol and set light to?

Posted on 2004-04-16 01:15:10


So you don't like Blazin' Squad then?

I think I'll stand for Prime Minister in the next general election. I'd put some things right, I can tell you. I know what the priorities are. Economic development and international relations can wait, it's Pete Waterman's neck on the chopping block that needs doing. And STRICT PERSONAL VETTING of all released music by me or my Minister of Acceptable Music. And MI6 would would be hunting down members of So Solid Crew rather than terrorists.

So yes, I don't like Blazin' Squad either. And them tied up in a row, doused in petrol, and set alight would be a "blazin' squad" I'd love to see.

Posted on 2004-04-16 01:27:29


I reckon if we could get around 20 Vergers we could form a political party and stand in the next election. We're in with a good chance: I mean, who else is ther to vote for? Tony Blair? Not bloody likely. The Monster Raving Loony party might give us a run for our money though: last time I heard, they had a cat for a leader. I think he may have been hit by a car.

The VERGE Party's political manifesto would look something like this:

1. Destroy manufactured pop.
2. Re-introduce rock to the under 15's.
3. Settle the Iraq crisis over a nice game of UT2004 with the terrorists.
4. Introduce a third tap to British households: you had hot and cold, now you have hot, cold and a fizzy beverage of your choice.
5. The words "David Beckham" will hereby be banned from appearing in the national press and no one news story will be allowed to consume more than 3 pages.
6. The town of Bradford will be air-lifted to Antarctica.
7. Every McDonald in the UK will be replaced by a comfortable little roadside cafe that serves full English breakfasts all hours of the day and the strongest coffee known to man.
8. All UK copies of the Bible will be amended to read on their covers, "The Bible, by Douglas Adams."
9. All hard drug addicts will be introduced to an intensive course of Everquest.
10. Embarassing silences in pubs will be banned.

Posted on 2004-04-16 02:01:57


What the hell went wrong with the current generation of 8-14 year-olds?

A question I ask myself every day at high school. Fortunately almost none of my friends listen to popular music, but I cry for those that do. What we have at my school is a large collection of "goth" people that wear shirts that say, "You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same" off a rack at HOT FUCKING TOPIC. If that is not just completely sick, I don't know what is. I mean, these people think they are honestly being rebels by buying shirts at Hot Topic. At this point, I just use conformity as my means of non-conformity. So many people are trying to be counter-culture they are being corperatized without even knowing it. Frankly I find this very sad, and I have very little hope for the future.


Posted on 2004-04-16 02:03:56


I have very little hope for the future.

You and me both. If you think about it, I mean... about everything... then the world is the most seriously crappy place, populated by a most seriously crappy race of morons who only seem to enjoy being seriously crappy to each other. Being alive is so depressing. :D

Tony Blair? ... they had a cat for a leader

Unfortunately, people WILL vote for Tony Blair. Despite the fact that everyone knows what he is (a bastard lying bastardy liar), they won't vote for the Torys because despite their leader being a vampire, he's not charismatic enough to drag the party up from the depths of the 1997 election, so everyone still thinks their useless. Though I'm sure they'd run the country perfectly well. So would the Liberal Democrats, but if they win the next election I'll eat my own feet. Tony Blair needs to die for all our sakes. Well... for Interference and my sakes anyway, due to having to live in the same country as him.

Posted on 2004-04-16 02:23:20


I'm voting Tory. They just *look* nice. I couldn't care less what their election promises are, just so long as Tony Blair goes away. Permanently.

And I know, life can be hideously depressing and there are times when you feel its hardly worth it. But it IS worth it. Why? Well, you guys of course! If the type of people who frequent these boards didn't exist, life would be irredeemably crap. But you do and wherever I go I always meet likeminded people, somewhere, and they rock.

Quirky humour, videogames, unnecessarily loud music, dangerous experiments involving large quantities of hairspray and boxes of matches, lengthy discussions on the plausibility of science fiction TV shows and writing comments in the margins of other peoples coursework scripts questioning their parenthood and intelligence are what I live for!

Anyway, cheer up, we'll have our day. And remember, without stupid people, we'd have nothing to laugh hysterically at and argue with: two of life's greatest pleasures.

Posted on 2004-04-17 00:14:11


I feel so hated... I took a test where they put your political standing on a graph and my dot was right on top of tony blair's dot =\

Posted on 2004-04-17 00:19:29 (last edited on 2004-04-17 00:19:30)


I feel so hated... I took a test where they put your political standing on a graph and my dot was right on top of tony blair's dot =\

That is terrible, terrible news. Have you sought councelling?

Posted on 2004-04-17 00:32:00


If I lived in the UK, I would vote for Tony Blair on account of his uniting with the *good side*, as opposed to France, who have united with Bin Laden.

Posted on 2004-04-17 00:56:22


No no no. The Torys are also in favour of the war on terrorism. You'd vote for them. Trust me. :)


ThinIce: my dot was right on top of tony blair's dot =\

Worry ye not, for when Mr Blair dies, so does his dot!

Interference: I'm voting Tory

So am I. As I did last time. Not that it made any difference. However, if they make voting mandatory after the stupidly low turnouts last time, I will not vote on principle. What kind of democracy forces you to vote? But I'm confident that it won't happen.

But it IS worth it. Why? Well, you guys of course!

Even though that wasn't addressed only to me, it's still one of the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. I love you, man! :)

Posted on 2004-04-17 01:21:15 (last edited on 2004-04-17 01:40:10)






Posted on 2004-04-17 05:49:03


erm... your mom.

Posted on 2004-04-17 17:41:17 (last edited on 2004-04-17 17:41:36)


Seven pages until it turned political. Not bad. Any bets for how long until Godwin is invoked?

Posted on 2004-04-17 18:49:38


[googled it, sorry, not what I want to do]

And to make this post meaningful, did you know ham spelled backwards is mah?

Posted on 2004-04-17 18:56:44 (last edited on 2004-04-17 19:37:01)


Hey, that was so Lore, I only responded to his unprovoked attack.

...Yet another instance of unprovoked aggression on the part of conservatives....


Posted on 2004-04-17 20:27:12


MAH! that should be in pseudodictionary.com
Last time I checked it wasn't in there =\

Posted on 2004-04-17 21:42:58 (last edited on 2004-04-17 21:43:41)


Ok, lets kill the politics thing now for McGrue's sake at the very least. Besides, if we don't talk about it, it may just get bored and go away.

Politics is the enemy of logical thought and, most importantly, hippies. Is that a good thing? Help, I'm confused.

So lets turn the discussion to... (spins wheel of offbeat topics) ... The Benefits Of Owning A Nuclear Submarine! No, wait, how did that get on here? Somebody's been messing with my equipment. Ok, lets try a random card from my Deck Of Emergency Conversations. And its... Blank. Bugger.

So, anything good on TV?

Posted on 2004-04-18 01:16:03

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