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Bleh, dial-up's crap. I'm going to try again. If it doesn't work I'll upload it to geocities and you'll have to try to get it from there. But it seems to be working this time, albeit painfully slowly.

Posted on 2004-04-14 22:35:51


Cool, thanks for doing it. If it doesn't work a second time, let me know, and I can setup a temp ftp account you can upload to on verge-rpg.com

Posted on 2004-04-14 22:45:38


Done and done. Seems to be Ok.

EDIT: Heh, after all that waiting you'll probably hate it anyway. :)

Posted on 2004-04-14 23:06:50 (last edited on 2004-04-14 23:08:16)


Nah, I don't mind. Thanks! I can't check it out at the moment (still at work), but I will as soon as I get home.

Posted on 2004-04-14 23:55:48


Wow, talk about spontanuity. I mentioned Iron Maiden once and the thread changed direction in a snap.

And I agree, the Manics are a bloody excellent band. Try listening to one of their albums in a car zipping down a country lane at one in the morning: its a surreal but strangely cinematic feeling. I particularly enjoyed the tunes "Tsunami" and "You Tender And You're Tired." "Been a Girl" worries me, however. Its criminal that the US didn't get to listen to 'em.

Mind you, some of the crap the pop industry over here is producing you'll be glad isn't in America. Busted, anyone? No, don't ask.

Have you guys got The Darkness over there yet? They're unbelievably glam rock but absolutely brilliant. If you like that sort of thing..

I also enjoyed the recent Muse album, "Absolution." They've been described as a bunch of whiny guitar stranglers by a popular PC gaming magazine but I rather like their style.

Last time I heard some GNR I loaded a jukebox with cash and played a crapload of it in a pub somewhere in Wales, on a visit to see a friend who foolhardedly decided it would be a good idea to move there.

Incidentally, how large are we expecting this thread to hit before we reach the critical mass and the forums implode in a blinding flash of light and energy?

Posted on 2004-04-15 00:20:41


Have you guys got The Darkness over there yet? They're unbelievably glam rock but absolutely brilliant. If you like that sort of thing.

People know about The Darkness here, but there still a bit underground.

I bought their album awhile back, I like it..... but.... my own problem is that every part of their songs and music feels like it was taken from some other band. The singer sounds just like Freddie Mercury, and each song sounds like an AC/DC song, or a Queen song, or whatever.

All in all, though, the songs are still mostly good and I listen to the album a lot, which I guess is the most telling point.

Posted on 2004-04-15 00:59:54 (last edited on 2004-04-15 00:59:55)


I particularly enjoyed the tunes "Tsunami" and "You're Tender And You're Tired." "Been a Girl" worries me, however. Its criminal that the US didn't get to listen to 'em.

Tsunami is good. But from the same album, "The Everlasting" is the one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard. Even if the lyrics are supposedly a bit Phil Collins. "Born A Girl" is a really sad song... And of course "If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next" which was their first number one, and the best song ever written about the Spanish civil war.

Busted are the Devil's work. I mean, really. I don't like this new wave of boy bands disguised as rock bands... that line should never be blurred. May they all meet their premature ends at the hands of an egg-whisk wielding maniac. If I was in charge of the world, people like Busted would get their hands chopped off. And their toes too, if I was feeling particularly malicious. Which I would be.

I like the Darkness. "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" was the best single release of last year (admittedly not a difficult thing to achieve). And they come from a little town near mine, in which they are going to get FOUR streets named after them. Which will look v stupid if they disappear without a trace. Mind you, "Darkness Avenue" would be a pretty cool address. :)

EDIT: Madagascar rocks. The song, I mean.

Have you guys got The Darkness over there yet?
Last I heard their American tour had to move to bigger venues because of demand, but Permission To Land was only in the charts at like 50th or something.

Posted on 2004-04-15 01:01:07 (last edited on 2004-04-15 01:10:15)


I like the Darkness. "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" was the best single release of last year (admittedly not a difficult thing to achieve). And they come from a little town near mine, in which they are going to get FOUR streets named after them. Which will look v stupid if they disappear without a trace. Mind you, "Darkness Avenue" would be a pretty cool address. :)

That is pretty cool. I Believe and Love on the Rocks with No Ice are my two favorite songs.

I downloaded the Manic Street Preachers file, but it said it was corrupt. Oh well, thanks for trying. I think I might just go pick up some new albums tomorrow, what do you recomend I get started with for them?

Posted on 2004-04-15 01:53:57


Buy some ham,
Make sure to cook it properly,
and while eating, read about Ham the astronaut.

Posted on 2004-04-15 03:12:59


Ham in space!

Posted on 2004-04-15 04:03:51


I downloaded the Manic Street Preachers file, but it said it was corrupt. Oh well, thanks for trying. I think I might just go pick up some new albums tomorrow, what do you recomend I get started with for them?

Damn, sorry. I've taken it out of the zip and it works now, so try again if you want. It's in the same place but is now called Australia.Wma (capital W, inexplicably).

The albums to get started with are definitely "Everything Must Go" and "This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours". The former is more in the style of Australia, wheras the latter is rather more middle of the road, but they both rule IMHO.

Posted on 2004-04-15 04:34:01


Damn, sorry. I've taken it out of the zip and it works now, so try again if you want. It's in the same place but is now called Australia.Wma (capital W, inexplicably).

The albums to get started with are definitely "Everything Must Go" and "This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours". The former is more in the style of Australia, wheras the latter is rather more middle of the road, but they both rule IMHO.

Thanks! I have to wait until I get home again today before I can download it, but I'll let you know what I think when I do.

Thanks for the tips on the albums. I'll only pick up one for now, so I'll probably just go for "Everything Must Go"

Posted on 2004-04-15 16:12:02


indeed, soon extroversy shall look GOOD with big fat pictures of over-sized hamsters...

Posted on 2004-04-15 22:20:17


I cannot believe that this thread is over a hundred posts. There is something terribly wrong with the world.

Posted on 2004-04-15 23:01:26


"Ready for Drowning" is also a bloody good track on "This I My Truth..."

Darkness related, I agree they sound to an extent what some bands have before but I feel they're bringing an extra special element back into rock: fun. Their music is wildly over the top in places and I love it for that. "Black Shuck" is currently my favourite on "Permission to Land."

Its not Busted's fault they're crap (although I *would* pay to see them dropped into a pit of homicidal alligators all the same), its the people who created the band in the first place who should be torn apart by rabid dogs. They're in it for the money and as a result the quality suffers immesurably. You should write and perform music because you ENJOY it, same goes for everything. This is the reason I hate the likes of Electronic Arts, McDonalds and PC World: they all create products in their individual fields without an ounce of love in them. We just get gratuitous cash-ins, shockingly low-spec computers and bloody awful burgers.

Posted on 2004-04-15 23:27:52


"Ready for Drowning" is also a bloody good track on "This I My Truth..."

It is indeed. Also "Black Dog On My Shoulder" is another of my favourites. And the best song to feature Winston Churchill since Iron Maiden's "Aces High". Hmm... there's various interconnections there.

"Black Shuck" is currently my favourite on "Permission to Land."

The lyrics in that song relate a true story. Blytheburgh is a village in Suffolk about 25 miles from where I live, and a huge demonic black dog called Black Shuck is said to haunted the church there since the middle ages. I've been there, and fortunately lived to tell the tale.

And I know it's not Busted's fault, but they're still gits.

Posted on 2004-04-15 23:46:28


And I know it's not Busted's fault, but they're still gits

Yes. It is not physically possible for a group of people to be morally upstanding and be in a boyband. They also have the collective intelligence of a rolled-up newspaper.

best song to feature Winston Churchill since Iron Maiden's "Aces High"

Yes, they do tend to go for tunes with subject matter thats all over the place, don't they? Prime example of this, "S.Y.M.M," which is of course an abbreviation for "South Yorkshire Mass Murderer." Whatever they're drinking, I want some. Probably Ham Juice(tm), come to think of it

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:00:57


Darkness related, I agree they sound to an extent what some bands have before but I feel they're bringing an extra special element back into rock: fun. Their music is wildly over the top in places and I love it for that.

True.. I love their music videos. I forget which one, but it starts out with a spaceship flying. Then an alien shows up, and starts having sex with the spaceship. Then spaceship gives birth to eggs... and they hatch out of the eggs.

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:05:09


"S.Y.M.M," which is of course an abbreviation for "South Yorkshire Mass Murderer." Whatever they're drinking, I want some.

That was about whichever police officer let all those exta people into Hillsborough, wasn't it? A little harsh, I though. After all, he wasn't to know what was going to happen. Anyway...

I haven't seen any of the Darkness videos apart from the ones for "Christmas Time" and "Love Is Only A Feeling". Nice scenery in the latter, but a bit unimaginative.

EDIT: Actaully, it IS Busted's fault. They could have said "you want us to be in a boy band disguised as a rock band?!! Certainly not! We have far too much integrity to stoop to such lows!". But they didn't. Bastards.

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:14:32 (last edited on 2004-04-16 00:16:51)


Actually, it IS Busted's fault. They could have said "you want us to be in a boy band disguised as a rock band?!! Certainly not! We have far too much integrity to stoop to such lows!". But they didn't. Bastards.

Not entirely their fault but fairly their fault. They have all the integrity of a cabinet minister. Mind you, if they'd said "No," their record producer would have just found some more talentless mugs. *cough* McFly *cough*.

Posted on 2004-04-16 00:28:47

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