Community Challenge: Enemy Art for Sully!
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Zathras kinna got me interested in this, so um, yes. Spriteage!

Snow wolf set:

Posted on 2004-04-01 12:50:39


For those too lazy to click upon links:

That's awesome. How do you know Zathras of the Golden Track?

Whoa, after putting that into a image editor and zooming in, that's a mightyfine animation! More please! :o

Posted on 2004-04-01 12:56:49 (last edited on 2004-04-01 12:58:18)


Here's some submissions by Gayo and Zara that I animated out of severe boredom combined with sleep deprivation!

Gayo's is the exceedingly phallic (and bouncy) mushroom:

And Zara made this lovely set of Flying Robots, Another, less-phallic mushroom, and a slightly familiar looking cactus!

To see Zara's mushroom attack at proper speeds, download it and play it in a non-webbrowser app (ACDSee works best for me)

Keep on rockin' folks! Only 2 days into this challenge and Hahn and I are impressed and giddy! :D

Posted on 2004-04-01 18:16:13


Posted on 2004-04-01 19:56:56


Here's Creft's contributions to date: A hellhound (scaled up 2x from original), and a skeleton:

Here's the contribution from a little higher on the page, by a newcomer named kelvin. The animation is great, and I really really want to see more!

And here's the start of a Cockatrice and an animated version of the Cyclops by Zonker. The animated version shows that a few lines need to be cleaned up, but it's a solid piece:

And I think that everyone's submissions to date are now animated on the boards for the masses to see! Great job so far, and more please sir?

And all you out there reading this: Please! Give it a try! It's not hard at all! :D

Posted on 2004-04-01 21:35:44 (last edited on 2004-04-01 21:54:47)


How do you make a totoro attack? ;_;

Posted on 2004-04-01 21:44:59


I'm workin' on a Naga. Here's my progress so far:

I haven't started animating it yet, but I do have its body segments split into several layers in Photoshop, so shouldn't be too hard :P

Posted on 2004-04-01 21:53:29 (last edited on 2004-04-01 21:57:48)


That's a nice Naga, RPGKing! Rock on! :D

And about making Totoro attack... uh... he should give the player... a... lollipop? :/

Posted on 2004-04-01 21:58:48


That's what I get for testing browser compatibility while critiquing.

Posted on 2004-04-01 22:04:56


i'm over at his digs a lot of the time.. Hell, i practically live there! XD

More sprites coming soon! :]

Posted on 2004-04-01 22:18:56


When he attacks he will reveal a horrifying fang-lined maw that will strike terror into the hearts of all that witness it. :D

Posted on 2004-04-01 22:26:56


My eyes!

EDIT: Why the hell is my sprite blue when I colored it in RED?

Posted on 2004-04-02 01:54:16 (last edited on 2004-04-02 02:44:48)


Hey, I made an orc sprite!

You can get it here!

- Creft

Posted on 2004-04-02 03:09:09


Well, I can only complete my sprite in 2 weeks +++++, seeing as how my final exam's in a week. :) But I'm seeing pretty nice work from you guys here ^_^. Beats mine.

This is the middle sized Totoro. I was planning to do the little one and the big one too, but I'll be watching the Verge3 schedule. Tried to use as little colors as possible, but the animation is turning out to be pretty difficult, because I suck T_T. Well, have fun guys, hope to see more great sprites :)

Posted on 2004-04-02 05:28:34 (last edited on 2004-04-02 05:35:02)


Vampire-ish kinna thing! :D

0-1: idle
2-3: idle, weak
4: hit
5-8: attack spell "Blood suck"
9-14: dead

EDIT 3:24 AM: And a succubus type! I'm on a roll tonight :]

Succubus: "Darkling, your blood... you're the son of Dracula!"
Alucard: "Die, bitch. your soul will drift for eternity. (or something a lot more poetic but I forget)."
Succubus: "Unnnnhhhhh!!! (sounds vaguely dying and vaguely turned on.)"

0-2: idle
3-4: idle, weak
5-7: default attack
8: hit
9: dead

Posted on 2004-04-02 10:01:11 (last edited on 2004-04-02 12:24:49)


WOW, I finally finished the wasp. I kept the "hit" and "dead to one frame since I didn't know if I could make more. Of course, I went crazy with the others (sorry grue, dont hurt me).


#1 is Idle Wasp, 10 looping frames.
#2 is Injured wasp, 6 looping frames.
#3 is Attacking Wasp, three different frames in sequence 1,2,3,2,3,2,1. Frame 1 of the idle wasp has been thrown into this animation to show how smooth the transition is.
#4 is Hit Wasp.
#5 is Dead wasp.

Here's the filmstrip file in gif format.

Yes, I know it's overkill. No, you don't have to use it. I had fun making it though. :D

Posted on 2004-04-02 10:07:36 (last edited on 2004-04-02 10:08:39)


Here's the full set of my troll.

And the filmstrip (png)

0-2 Idle, 3-5 weak, 6-9 attack, 10 hit, 11 dead

Idle order: 0,1,2,1
Weak order: 3,4,5,4
Attack order: 6,7,8,6,9

Posted on 2004-04-02 12:33:49


The Naga now has an idle animation. My next update will be the completed set :P

Posted on 2004-04-02 17:39:25 (last edited on 2004-04-02 17:44:59)


Dear god, these sprites continue to rock! Good job kelvin, needle, ratgash, and RPGKing! They're all looking great!

And needle, no, I'm not angry at you for making 8-billion frames. However, if you dare

Posted on 2004-04-02 17:57:44


Here's the animated versions of the latest batch from those who didn't make pretty gifs for showing-off onine:

First, Gayo's poltergeist. His mushroom looked phallic... and his poltergeist looks like it's closely related to the mushroom ;)

This image is 2x the actual size.

Next are a vampire and a succubus that kelvin did last night. Thevampire features a dying animation! It's a point to note that your monsters may have extra animations as long as it's triggered by a common action... however, the only *neccesary* ones are an idle, a weak idle, a "bare-hands" attack, a single 'being hit' frame, and a single 'dead' frame.

If you make a being hit animation, it plays once and then stops on the specified 'being hit' frame. If you make a dying animation, it plays when the entity dies, and then stops on the 'dead' frame.

Anywasy: the vampire and succubus:

Posted on 2004-04-02 19:34:59

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