Community Challenge: Enemy Art for Sully!
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Oh, and Creft made an Orc, but I haven't started animating it yet. It's in the files section, though!

Posted on 2004-04-02 19:47:59 (last edited on 2004-04-02 19:51:36)


When he attacks he will reveal a horrifying fang-lined maw that will strike terror into the hearts of all that witness it. :D

is that a tribute to your dead bunny?

Posted on 2004-04-02 21:30:53


This thread = hot

Just thought I'd poke my extremities in and give a roaring thumbsup to you guys!

Oh, and here's another unused sprite:
(I got a freakin million of em (glances at grue))

Posted on 2004-04-02 21:43:07


I just wanted to see my avatar again

Posted on 2004-04-03 05:42:03


is that a tribute to your dead bunny?

It's a hamster! Much like the one that has been... telling you to do things.

Posted on 2004-04-03 07:50:15


Here's my lizardogre type of thing :)

idle: 0,1,2,1
idlelow: 3,4,5,4
attack: 6,7,8,9,6
hurt: 10
dead: 11

Posted on 2004-04-03 10:36:39


oooh nice attack animation. simple and vicious

Posted on 2004-04-03 18:55:06


Oh my. That one's pretty durn good.

Posted on 2004-04-03 19:25:48


Man, these are compelely awesome.

We need a music challenge so I can get in on this!

Posted on 2004-04-03 21:22:07


Sully 1 and Sully 3 have no need for music, sadly.

Try your hands at sprites, though! They're simple and fun!

Posted on 2004-04-03 21:50:39


Here are my final drafts:

Orc Sprite:

Hell-Hound Sprite:

Skeleton Sprite:

You can download the filmstrip versions in the pcx format here:

I will probably make at least a couple more sprites before this is over.

- Creft

Posted on 2004-04-03 22:03:31


Creft: awesome! Sorry I didn't get around to making anigifs of the orc myself. I have a bunch of Zara's stuff left unanimated too... been busy with getting important things done.

Posted on 2004-04-03 23:31:08


If you loop the Orc Attack animation with no pause, it looks like he's dancing!

Posted on 2004-04-04 03:20:09


Here's my completed Naga set:

The filmstrip is here: Naga Animations

0-2 Idle, 3-5 Weak Idle, 6-8 Attack, 9 hit, 10 dead

Idle order: 0,1,2,1
Weak Idle order: 3,4,5,4
Attack order: 6,7,8,7

Posted on 2004-04-04 07:57:01 (last edited on 2004-04-04 08:15:30)


you are all my personal hero

Posted on 2004-04-04 20:44:43


Some of those look pretty nice :)

immortalowl : what's the blue stuff near the lizardogre thing's mouth when he's hurt supposed to be?

Posted on 2004-04-05 02:59:44


For those of you wondering, this community challenge is still going on, although I expect the submissions will decrease in the next week as people hopefully work on The First Official HoV (with prizes!).

However, this Challenge is officially ongoing for the next few weeks. So once the HoV is over I'll be making a big newspost compiling all of the animgifs so far. It'll be glorious>.

Posted on 2004-04-05 09:34:15


I'm trying to get this griffon done in the next few days...

I would've wanted to make a wyvern as well since I've drawn plenty of dragons, but this one takes quite a lot of time. :P

Posted on 2004-04-05 23:11:06


Shit thats awesome...

You people are good.

Posted on 2004-04-06 00:41:07



1) That is amazing.
2) It's way way too big for Sully Chronicles Complete.
3) It would be perfect for Sully 3
4) We should talk privately about Sully 3 later.
5) You can postpone it's completion to go work on either more appropriate sprites for SCC, or you can enter the current HoV. (hint hint)

Also, to everyone who's been making and is making sprites: You don't need to feel conflicted between this community challenge and the contest. This community challenge will be going on for at least a week after the HoV ends.

All of the work so far has been great, and I think it'd be really awesome if all you guys entered the compo. Not only would it be a great way to further show off your different styles and such, but it'd be a great service to the community. We're still small (if gaining momentum), and the purpose of this competition is not only to give the new build and tools a vigorous workout to improve their quality, but to also get some new demonstrations of what the engine can do.

I'll work on making some sort of screenshot section as a prelude to the teams/games sections in the near future.

Posted on 2004-04-06 00:57:15

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